cut your home internet costs

Complain about price.

Call your internet provider and tell them they are to expensive, let them know your thinking of going to another provider.

Get your own equipment.

All internet providers "rent" you their equipment (modem) each month. 
This option is for advanced users, you can get your own equipment at any big box store, you then need to call your internet company and give them numbers from the equipment.

Get your own wireless equipment.

You already know that you "rent" the modem from your internet service provider, but when you ask for wireless internet; some providers try to get you to rent even more equipment.

They say you need to rent an all-in-one device (modem+router) for even more money a month then just the standard modem rental price.

This is a not so advanced-user money saver. First of all you still need to rent their modem. Then you need to buy your own router with wireless built in. Linksys makes great wireless routers for about $60 and if my memory servers me right, they work right out of the box.

- search for Linksys wireless router 

Get a cheaper internet package.

All service providers like to up-sell you on service, it's their job. They tell you that you need certain speeds to do certain tasks. Think of it as a scare tactic.

Call them or log in to your internet account and switch to a slower speed, I suggest switching to the slowest speed they offer, this will save you $$ . If you have issues and need faster speed simply bump it up.

Ditch home internet all together.

Get a device that requires a data plan from a cell provider.
- many types of tablets including IPad

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