how to seal off a dryer vent in a brick home

here are a few easy steps showing you how to seal a hole on the outside a brick wall, like if you needed to move your dryer vent.

remove the outside vent,

you will notice in the pic above there is a metal sleeve, this is the actual dryer vent, it needs to be removed!

i used a hammer to pound the metal sleeve into the basement from outside

put something in the hole to fill it the best you can, i used a rock. Don't worry you wont see it when your done.

get a bag of mortar mix ($3) or a ready-mix pail of mortar mix ($10)

fill the hole the best you can with the mortar mix, i used my fingers with a rubber glove. stuff the mortar mix under the rock, on the sides and on the top of the rock.

really stuff it in there, you need a full tight seal, you need to make the thickness of the wall because your actually building that section of wall.

let the mortar mix dry for about 10 min, it will still be wet but starting to stiffen.

apply more mortar mix to completely cover the face of the rock, and smooth it out as flat as you can. after all this is the finished look. i used my hand to do this.

your finished, let it dry over night.
if cracks appear the next day, apply more mortar mix to cover them.

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